Auriveno Consulting - Daniel Zapf


The story

As a MBA Student in Auckland (New Zealand), I discovered the topic smartphone and social media addiction as an area of academic research. After successfully building a secondary research project on the question - how this new technological trend will impact the way we work and how organisations function -  I decided to take action. Since then, I consult organisations and government institutes on this topic. My consulting offerings include 2-day workshops or single lectures up to an organisational risk analysis - working close with Senior Management and HR. 

Since this area of research is quite new in the profession which should care the most (psychology) and even rarer in the application for businesses, many of the used terminology is new. Studies and available data is fragmented and it is crucial, to get a condensed overview. 

That's where I jump in. My portfolio will not only give you an overview of how smartphone and social media addiction is impacting the private life, I will also discuss how the future of work in the world of industry 4.0 will look like.